Brilliant meeting @equationorg Team …
We have HUGE passion for this area of life…
Each year nearly 2 million people in the UK suffer from domestic abuse, and approximately 600,000 are male survivors (ONS 2016).
•One in three survivors are male (ONS, 2020) and 6,557 male survivors were heard at MARAC due to high levels of risk posed to them by the perpetrator (SafeLives, 2021)
•45.7% of male survivors of partner abuse suffered from force (ONS, 2018) but one in five men didn’t know where to seek help if they or someone they knew were in an abusive relationship (SafeLives, 2019)
•41% of male survivors reported abuse from a partner impacting on their emotional and mental health needs, and 11% of male survivors of partner abuse have attempted to end their life due to their experiences (ONS, 2018)
•85% of survivors sought help 5 times on average from professionals in the year before they got effective help to stop the abuse (SafeLives, 2015).
We don’t claim to have all the answers, but we have a man who’s been through domestic abuse and we know a group of specialists who can help
Thank you Equation for having us, and thank you Team Member, Steve for sharing your story …

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